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Forum Code

For security reasons you cannot use HTML tags in your forum messages. However, you can use Forum Code tags to accomplish the same rich formatting that HTML provides. Forum Code is similar to HTML in usage and as such is very easy to learn. Below each of the Forum Code tags are explained with examples.

Hyperlinks and Images


You can easily add a hyperlink to your message by using the [url="linkto"] description [/url] tags.

Note: You must use the exact syntax [url="linkto"] description [/url] in order for your hyperlink to be converted properly. Variations such as [url=linkto] description [/url] and [url]linkto[/url] will not work!

This Example:
Take me to [url="http://www.forum.dwzone-it.com"]The DwZone Forum Web Site[/url]
Outputs This:
Take me to The DwZone Forum Web Site

You insert an email link by using [url="mailto:address"] description [/url] tags

This Example:
If you have a question [url="mailto:[email protected]"]Email Me[/url]
Outputs This:
If you have a question Email Me


Enclose the address with [img] and [/img].

This Example:
Outputs This:

You can make clickable images by combining the [url="linkto"]desc[/url] and [img]image_url[/img] tags

This Example:
Outputs This:


There are several Forum Codes you may use to change the appearance of your text.  Following is the list of codes currently available:

Bold: enclose your text with [b] and [/b] .  Example: This is [b]bold[/b] text

Italic: enclose your text with [i] and [/i] .  Example: This is [i]italic[/i] text.

Underline: enclose your text with [u] and [/u]. Example: This is [u]underline[/u] text

Aligning Text Left:
Enclose your text with [left] and [/left]

Aligning Text Center:
Enclose your text with [center] and [/center]

Aligning Text Right:
Enclose your text with [right] and [/right]

Striking Text:
Enclose your text with [s] and [/s]. Example: [s]mistake[/s]

Font Colours

Enclose your text with [fontcolor] and [/fontcolor]

Example: [red]Text[/red]
Headings and Font Sizes


Enclose your text with [hnumber] and [/hn]

Example: [h1]text[/h1]

Font Sizes:

Example: [size=1]text[/size=1]


Bulleted List: [list] and [/list], and items in list with [*] and [/*].

Ordered Alpha List: [list=a] and [/list=a], and items in list with [*] and [/*].

Ordered Number List: [list=1] and [/list=1], and items in list with [*] and [/*].

Code: enclose your text with [code] and [/code].

Preformatted text: enclose your text with [pre] and [/pre].

small: enclose your text with [small] and [/small].

BIG: enclose your text with [big] and [/big].

Quote: enclose your text with [quote] and [/quote].

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