DwZone Forum Welcome to the DwZone-it Forum
Frequently Asked Questions
DwZone Forum Index
- Do I have to register?
- How can I use formatting, emoticons and images?
- Can I add a hyperlink to my messages?
- Are cookies used?
- Can I edit my own posts?
- Can I search?
- Can I edit my profile?
- Can I attach my own signature to my posts?
- Are there any censor features?
- What do I do if I forget my password?
- Can I be notified by e-mail when someone replies to my posts?
- Can I post in any forum?
- Where can I get my own copy of this forum software?
Do I have to register? |
Registration is not required to view public topics on the forum; however, some forums may have the requirement that you register an account before you can post a new topic or reply to an existing topic. This is decided on a per-forum basis. Registration is free and only takes a few minutes. The only required fields are your User ID, which may be your real name or a nickname, a password, and a valid e-mail address.
The information you provide during registration is not outsourced or used for any purposes other than for providing access to the forum software. If you believe someone is sending you advertisements as a result of the information you provided through your registration, please notify us immediately.
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How can I use formatting, emoticons and images? |
These forums use a keyword-based formatting technique named Forum Code to allow you to include all sorts of rich formatting in your messages.
You can find out more about Forum Code, including in context examples, here.
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Can I add a hyperlink to my messages? |
You can include hyperlinks in your messages using the [url] Forum Code or using the "linkto" buttons on the message entry form (if shown). For more information on Forum Codes see the FAQ above.
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Are cookies used? |
These Forums use both cookies and server side variables to store your user id and password between visits to the forums. As this information is also stored on the server you do not need to have cookies enabled in order to use these forums.
You may delete all cookies set by these forums in selecting the "log out" button at the top of any page.
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Can I edit my own posts? |
You may edit or delete your own posts at any time. Just go to the forum where the post to be edited or deleted is located and you will see a edit or delete icon ( and respectively) shown in the bottom right of each message. Click on this icon to edit or delete the post. No one else can edit your post, except for Moderators or Administrators.
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Can I search? |
You can search all of the forums from a single location using the Search link above, or by entering a forum and entering a keyword or phrase into the Keyword box and hitting "Set Options" will filter the shown messages to those containing your search phrase.
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Can I edit my profile? |
You can easily change any information stored in your forum profile by using the "Account Home" link located near the top of each page when you are logged in. You may edit any information (except your User ID).
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Can I attach my own signature to my posts? |
You may attach signatures to the end of your posts when you post either a New Topic or Reply. Your signature is editable by clicking on "Account Home" at the top of any forum page when you are logged on.
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Are there any censor features? |
The forum software does censor certain words that may not be posted; however, this censoring is not an exact science, and is being done based on the words that are being screened, so certain words may be censored out of context. By default, words that are censored are replaced with alternative words that although unlikely to be offensive will still convey the original intent.
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What do I do if I forget my password? |
Simply click on "Log In" at the top of any forum page and click on the "I have forgotten my password" hyperlink.
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Can I be notified by e-mail when someone replies to my posts? |
Yes. When you add a new message to a forum make sure the "Notify me by email if someone responds to this message?" checkbox is ticked. You will then be sent a copy of any replies made to your message via e-mail as well as the message being added to the forum.
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Can I post in any forum? |
Maybe. The ability to post new messages or replies in a forum is a per-forum setting that may be disabled in certain forums. Administrators and Moderators can post in any forum.
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Where can I get my own copy of this forum software? |
As this software is supplied in source code form it is possible that this implementation of the scripts may be highly customised, but the basic forum software is available from bttlxe.com free of charge.
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