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Server Side Validation  
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Messages 1 to 10 of 85 (Total: 33) First |  Prev |  Next |  Last  
 Subject Author Date  
   Validate record in a table  
View this persons public profile  Daniel Barrios   7:43 6 Oct 2013  
   Re: Validate record in a table  
View this persons public profile  Gianluigi   8:17 6 Oct 2013  
   Not validating  
View this persons public profile  Bob   11:45 26 Oct 2012  
   Re: Not validating  
View this persons public profile  Gianluigi   13:09 27 Oct 2012  
   Checkbox not validating other field not filled.  
View this persons public profile  Shane   8:59 22 May 2012  
   Re: Checkbox not validating other field not filled.  
View this persons public profile  Gianluigi   9:25 22 May 2012  
    Re: Checkbox not validating other field not filled.  
View this persons public profile  Shane   9:34 22 May 2012  
Hi, Gianluigi.

Well, first - it does NOT error when E-mail is filled and checkbox is not checked.

However - I understood the checkbox validation to mean that the CHECKBOX would get an error IF the E-mail was NOT filled.

The 3rd option for checkbox in the extension is: "This must be filled" and then I select my E-mail field.

I understand this to mean that if the E-mail is NOT filled, THEN I would get an error beside the checkbox -- not the other way around.

Checkbox validates fine if it is set to "ANYTHING"... but I want it to validate ONLY if the E-mail field is NOT filled.

I sent you the file by mail, if you could, please, take a look at it.

Thank you.
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   Re: Checkbox not validating other field not filled.  
View this persons public profile  Gianluigi   9:03 23 May 2012  
   Re: Checkbox not validating other field not filled.  
View this persons public profile  Shane   9:32 23 May 2012  
   Using validator with insert to database  
View this persons public profile  [email protected]   9:06 10 Mar 2009  
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