Hi - I am using the Insert Record Upload / Resize and the Update Record Upload / Resize. On the description field, I have placed the Tiny MCE wysiwyg behavior.
(I would put this on that extension, but there is no topic yet for Tiny MCE... )
The behavior only works sometimes. Sometimes page loads the interface, sometimes it does not.
I have tried to reload it and re-run the behavior, then it d_r_o_ps out completely.
Also, the Update behavior in Tiny MCE ends up displaying the HTML code, not the formatted code.
AND, the code seems to be short code, like in WordPress. For instance, the Image Source is [img XXXfilename.jpg] instead of <img src="http://www.website.com/images/XXXfilename.jpg">
So now nothing works. I have to delete the record and start over, and then the Formatting Tools interface disappears.
HELP? Thank you.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Elizabeth Halliday |