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Query Manager and Recordset Wizard  
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 Subject Author Date  
   Re:Why both extensions?  
View this persons public profile  [email protected]   9:43 18 Jul 2005  
   Setup Problem  
View this persons public profile  [email protected]   21:54 3 Jun 2005  
   Re:Setup Problem  
View this persons public profile  [email protected]   22:01 3 Jun 2005  
    Where do I start?  
View this persons public profile  [email protected]   11:10 1 Sep 2004  
I just bought the Professional Recordset Wizard extension and I'm afraid I can't make head nor tail of it [:I]

I have 2 tables:


Properties contains a field called ad_owner which matches the field username in users

I also have a field in the users table called email

When I display information from the properties table I also want to display information from the users table.

In my 'psuedo MySQL' I want to display:

users.email (where properties.ad_owner = users.username)
users.telephone (where properties.ad_owner = users.username)

(and some others but this is the general idea)

I just need a kick to get me started so I hope this make sense!

Also, on my Mac running DW MX, I get broken images in some places and the layout of the window is all over the place. It's workable but it doesn't look very good. I can attach a screenshot if it helps.

Look forward to some info.

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   Re:Where do I start?  
View this persons public profile  gianluigi   20:00 1 Sep 2004  
   counting with Query Manager and Recordset Wizard .  
View this persons public profile  [email protected]   15:53 3 Jun 2004  
   Re:counting with Query Manager and Recordset Wizard .  
View this persons public profile  gianluigi   18:18 3 Jun 2004  
   MM_Error in PRW  
View this persons public profile  [email protected]   15:33 13 May 2004  
   Re:MM_Error in PRW  
View this persons public profile  gianluigi   19:15 13 May 2004  
   Dreamweaver MX 2004  
View this persons public profile  [email protected]   22:02 4 May 2004  
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