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Multiple Record  
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    Instructions for multi-update  
View this persons public profile  Joe   18:47 26 Oct 2019  
I haven't used the multi record update in a while and can't remember how to use it. I can't seem to find any documentation and the youtube video doesn't come up. Can you send me some instructions?

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   Re: Instructions for multi-update  
View this persons public profile  Gianluigi   1:01 27 Oct 2019  
   Re: Instructions for multi-update  
View this persons public profile  Joe   5:10 27 Oct 2019  
   The demo is for ASP. The php code for the d_r_o_p down to select the number of records to insert doesnt work in php. Can you paste sample code here for php d_r_o_p down? Thanks   
View this persons public profile  ThomasCherry   7:17 2 Jun 2017  
   Re: The demo is for ASP. The php code for the d_r_o_p down to select the number of records to insert doesnt work in php. Can you paste sample code here for php d_r_o_p down? Thanks   
View this persons public profile  Gianluigi   7:46 2 Jun 2017  
   how can i do to add only selected with checkbox  
View this persons public profile  Ulises   6:22 20 Apr 2016  
   Re: how can i do to add only selected with checkbox  
View this persons public profile  Gianluigi   10:26 20 Apr 2016  
   Error doing multiple updates  
View this persons public profile  Ulises Spencer   8:32 22 Jan 2016  
   Re: Error doing multiple updates  
View this persons public profile  Gianluigi   10:41 22 Jan 2016  
This is from an anonymous poster  undefined   14:43 19 Jun 2015  
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