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Messages 1 to 10 of 381 (Total: 176) First |  Prev |  Next |  Last  
 Subject Author Date  
   Error when using masked text field  
View this persons public profile  Ken   2:55 25 Sep 2016  
   Re: Error when using masked text field  
View this persons public profile  Gianluigi   3:14 25 Sep 2016  
   Re: Error when using masked text field  
View this persons public profile  Ken   9:44 25 Sep 2016  
   Re: Error when using masked text field  
View this persons public profile  Gianluigi   10:55 25 Sep 2016  
   Re: Error when using masked text field  
View this persons public profile  Ken   11:12 25 Sep 2016  
   Re: Error when using masked text field  
View this persons public profile  Ken   11:12 25 Sep 2016  
    Comma checkbox, error if none selected  
View this persons public profile  Ken P   13:49 4 Feb 2016  
I have a comm checkbox with 3 choices. If none are selected I get the following error. Using SQL 2008. I would like to validate that one is checked but if i add that it expects all to be checked. I either need to solve the error or a way to add validation. I have tried various SQL field types and allow NULL.


Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]The parameterized query '(@P1 nvarc_h_a_r(50),@P2 float,@P3 nvarc_h_a_r(50),@P4 nvarc_h_a_r(50),@P' expects the parameter '@P12', which was not supplied.

/secure/cms/admin/ministries/create/Index.asp, line 55
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   Re: Comma checkbox, error if none selected  
View this persons public profile  Gianluigi   13:51 4 Feb 2016  
   Re: Comma checkbox, error if none selected  
View this persons public profile  Ken P   14:39 4 Feb 2016  
   Re: Comma checkbox, error if none selected  
View this persons public profile  Ken P   14:39 4 Feb 2016  
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