Hi again [:D] I have got some product that are mutually exclusive (I mean: if you choose product A you can't choose product B or C; think about some "ADSL Flat", "ADSL 20 hours" and "ADSL 5 hours" kind of products)
Well, I can think there are other ways to do what I've in mind, but at the moment I have got some "radios" (all with same name, then) to make user choose only one option and then submit the form
I use of course the "Add Form" feature, and I noticed that whatever option I choose, only the first is added to cart... the most strange thing is that if I choose product A and then product B, in the cart they appear as 2 distinct "product A", that demonstrates that at some level they are recognized as different...
How can I pass via form the value of the radio I choose, even if they have the same name, if is it possible?
Thanks |