I'm trying to use the verify stock function but I'm having problems. If I have 8 items in stock and the user adds 8 items no problems - if they then go back and add another item (so they're trying to buy 9 items) it removes all the items and empties the cart - rather than just stopping them adding the items that are not in stock.
If I "untick" Remove out of stock my page just hangs when I try and over-order a product.
Is there anyway to simply add a behaviour/function to my "add to cart" button (on my product detail page) if the user tries to add a quantity greater than the "stock level - what is already in the cart" - so if I have 9 items in stock and the user already has 6 in the cart then it will only let then enter up to 3 in the quantity field if they try to add the product again?
I think this may be possible through the "verify stock" function but I'm not sure how the "Out of Stock" cart column works - do I need to add a value to this column when someone clicks the "add to cart" button of how many items are in stock? - I'm not sure what to put in this column. |