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Recordset Paging  
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Messages 1 to 10 of 42 (Total: 23) First |  Prev |  Next |  Last  
 Subject Author Date  
   Trying to use Recordset paging with Numbers  
View this persons public profile  Crystal   11:47 17 Nov 2014  
   Re: Trying to use Recordset paging with Numbers  
View this persons public profile  Gianluigi   12:29 17 Nov 2014  
   Re: Trying to use Recordset paging with Numbers  
View this persons public profile  Crystal   12:41 17 Nov 2014  
   Re: Trying to use Recordset paging with Numbers  
View this persons public profile  Crystal   12:52 17 Nov 2014  
   Ritornare alla ultima lettera selezionata  
View this persons public profile  Gianluca   10:18 16 Jul 2014  
   Re: Ritornare alla ultima lettera selezionata  
View this persons public profile  Gianluigi   12:15 16 Jul 2014  
   Extension Doesn't Appear In Server Behaviors  
View this persons public profile  LaurieWhelan   1:42 30 Aug 2012  
   Re: Extension Doesn't Appear In Server Behaviors  
View this persons public profile  Gianluigi   8:40 30 Aug 2012  
    Re: Extension Doesn't Appear In Server Behaviors  
View this persons public profile  LaurieWhelan   10:31 30 Aug 2012  

I am so sorry but somehow I started ordering the "PHP Recordset Paging" extension and ended up with the "ASP" version.
I honestly don't know how I did that!
I need the PHP one - how can we change it over?

By the way - if I open a new .asp page the extension is certainly there. My fault!

Sorry about the bother...................

Laurie Whelan

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   Re: Extension Doesn't Appear In Server Behaviors  
View this persons public profile  Gianluigi   11:22 30 Aug 2012  
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