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    PHP Ajax Tree View / Folders and Files  
View this persons public profile  Thomas   13:14 17 Oct 2013  
I put it in here although it's about the PHP version. But I think this is a general problem:
In Tree View > Folders + Files everything works fine with me here. And I do not use dynamic folder, I use the static default folder option.
But now - for security issues - I want to use as "default folder" a folder outside my domain.
I tried different inputs now, from static path like "c:\xampp\htdocs\filedirectory\" (I use local XAMPP for testing) then it says "folder must be inside the site root".
If I make the directory a domain on XAMPP and put in the doamin as default folder, I can save my project, but when I run it the download files and folders do not appear.

So is it possible to use a static folder outside the site root?

Any help welcome. Thank you.

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   Re: PHP Ajax Tree View / Folders and Files  
View this persons public profile  Gianluigi   13:57 17 Oct 2013  
   Modifica - Excamotage - New  
View this persons public profile  Massi   8:54 25 Jul 2013  
   Re: Modifica - Excamotage - New  
View this persons public profile  Gianluigi   10:07 25 Jul 2013  
   Can't get it to work  
View this persons public profile  Michael Ginter   14:46 20 Sep 2011  
   Re: Can't get it to work  
View this persons public profile  Gianluigi   9:04 21 Sep 2011  
   Re: Can't get it to work  
View this persons public profile  Michael Ginter   10:13 21 Sep 2011  
   Re: Can't get it to work  
View this persons public profile  Gianluigi   11:57 21 Sep 2011  
   Re: Can't get it to work  
View this persons public profile  M. Ginter   12:22 21 Sep 2011  
   Re: Can't get it to work  
View this persons public profile  Gianluigi   12:52 21 Sep 2011  
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