Hi Gianluigui,
I have the same problem
Error on Insert record Error number: -2147217900 Error description: The SELECT statement includes a reserved word or an argument name that is misspelled or missing, or the punctuation is incorrect.
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I did a lot test and always the same problem And when I fill out the Insert section, and Files table I get the data base Unique column key and Parent key field are no active.
My parameters in Insert are.
Connection (my connection) Insert into table Galeria_img (this table had three field Id, Id_gal (Id of master table), Imagename
Form elements I get a hidden field idgala (number of master record) for put in Id_Gal I put Db format with text, number, all...
Mark enable records
Files table Galeria_img Unique column key and Parent key field are no active. [:(]
File path Imagename
I think that you must upload a database and .asp files for sample
Thanks |