Hi All my application's files point to the Connections folder as follows" "../Connections/DBConn.asp". The Dreamweaver CS6 site setting is set to "Links relative to document". All my other asp pages locate the Connections folder correctly.
The folder structure is: LMS (Site root) ...Assessments (Upload destination) ......1 (Sub-folder in upload destination) .........DWZone (Sub-Sub-folder in upload destination - i.e. final destination) ...Connections (Connections folder. The Void.asp should be created in here, but isn't being created) ......DBConn.asp (The site's connection parameter's file) ...Test (My testing folder) ......DwZoneUpload.asp (My testing file. This is the page that's not working) ...tmp (The folder for the temporary files)
Here is the code from the page:
<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="65001"%> <!--#include file="../Connections/Void.asp" --> <!--#include file="../dwzMultipleUpload/ASPUpload.asp" --> <% '**************************** ' http://www.DwZone-it.com ' MultipleFileUpload HTML 5 ' Version 1.2.15 '**************************** Set dwzUpload = New dwzASPUpload dwzUpload.UploadType = "HTML5" dwzUpload.Instance = "1" dwzUpload.ExtraInfo = "Bootstrap,Default|_|5400|_|false,80,80|_|500,150|_|false|_||_|utf-8" dwzUpload.RedirectUrl = "DWZoneTinyMCE.asp" dwzUpload.Path = "../Assessments/1/DWZone|_|1" dwzUpload.TempPath = "../tmp|_|1" dwzUpload.TestEnvironment() dwzUpload.Init() dwzUpload.rootPath = "../" dwzUpload.Texts = "Add files...|_|Start upload|_|Cancel upload|_|Start|_|Cancel|_|Delete|_|Your browser does not support drag'n'd_r_o_p file uploads.|_|Please use the fallback form below to upload your files.|_|Invalid file type. Allowed file type: {{FilesType}}|_|The size of the file is {{filesize}}Mb but the max allowed file size is {{maxFilesize}}Mb|_|Connection error status code {{statusCode}}|_|Confirm remove the selected file.|_|The file cannot be uploaded. Cause file number limit.|_|Upload completed." dwzUpload.OverwriteMode = "0" dwzUpload.AllowedExtensions = ".doc|_|.docx|_|.gif|_|.pdf" dwzUpload.AllowedExtensionsDescription = "MSWord97 -2003|_|MSWord2005+|_|gif image|_|Adobe Acrobat" dwzUpload.Sizes = "0,0,0" dwzUpload.InsertParameters = "0|_||_||_||_|0|_||_||_||_||_||_||_||_||_||_|" & MM_Void_STRING dwzUpload.ResizeParameters = "0|_|0|_||_||_|80|_|1|_|0|_||_||_|80|_|1|_|_m|_|2|_|0|_||_||_|80|_|1|_|_s|_|2" if dwzUpload.IsPostBack() then dwzUpload.Upload() dwzUpload.Save() end if '**************************** ' MultipleFileUpload HTML 5 '**************************** %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <% '**************************** ' MultipleFileUpload HTML5 '**************************** dwzUpload.JsIncludes() '**************************** ' MultipleFileUpload HTML5 '**************************** %> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> </head>
<body> <p>DW Multiple upload</p>
<!--<form id="UploadForm" name="UploadForm" method="post" action="">--> <% '**************************** ' MultipleFileUpload HTML5 '**************************** dwzUpload.DomConstructor() '**************************** ' MultipleFileUpload HTML5 '**************************** %> <!--</form>--> <p> </p> <p> </p> </body> </html> <% '**************************** ' MultipleFileUpload HTML5 '**************************** Set dwzUpload = nothing '**************************** ' MultipleFileUpload HTML5 '**************************** %>
Regards Neil |