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    Accent problem insert ans upload  
View this persons public profile  Jean-Pierre   17:53 25 Jan 2021  
I have a little accent problem when I use Insert and Upload, in my form I have a field: caption and a file field for the photo.
my database and in utf8, I force in my connection file the use of the charset utf8
The insertion and the image are well done, but the accents are not translated correctly in the Caption field.
However in the application of the extension I specify Unicode Utf8
Do you have any idea why the accents are poorly translated?
Thanks for your help
Jean-Pierre Valls
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   Accent problem insert ans upload  
View this persons public profile  Jean-Pierre   17:52 25 Jan 2021  
   Accent problem insert ans upload  
View this persons public profile  Jean-Pierre   17:51 25 Jan 2021  
   No Database Connection - Table Not Found  
View this persons public profile  Gary   20:58 29 Dec 2020  
   No Database Connection  
View this persons public profile  Gary   20:49 29 Dec 2020  
   Progress Bar not available message  
View this persons public profile  KamleshPanchal   22:52 5 Sep 2018  
   Re: Progress Bar not available message  
View this persons public profile  Gianluigi   10:14 6 Sep 2018  
   Problem uploading and updating data on remote server.  
View this persons public profile  KamleshPanchal   10:17 30 Sep 2017  
   Re: Problem uploading and updating data on remote server.  
View this persons public profile  Gianluigi   10:29 30 Sep 2017  
   Re: Problem uploading and updating data on remote server.  
View this persons public profile  KamleshPanchal   22:13 1 Oct 2017  
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