Hi Again,
Afraid this won't work for me then for this use, but no worries as I will use it for other applications. This is just an example of where sometimes things can get lost in translation. I actually asked this question a while back ago prior to purchasing, and you did say it could but, I see you say in the 'Points' tab. I interpreted that as WHERE it gets done, and not that it could not be done when using a recordset.
However, again, it is a small matter and you are by far the best I have found to by extensions from and the best for supporting them and answering questions. So I thank you for that and will continue to buy exclusive from you when I can.
I would 'suggest' you might consider having a customizeable 'Info Window' for suture realeases so that the user may put html and other fields of the recordset in the bubble. It's almost a must have in the real estate business. Here is an example of the results of what I speak of. Click on one of the markers and you can see what heppens. http://www.realestatebook.com/homes/41042-KY-USA
Thank You Again..
[quote]Originally posted by revellog
The info window must be a field in the db |