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    SQL Injection protected?  
View this persons public profile  RobertIveson   14:54 4 Sep 2018  
I recently wrote my own search facility (classic ASP) for a property website. Unfortunately, it failed a SQL injection test, so I have had to look for alternatives. I purchased your Advanced Search extension and got my form set up and working just great, but I just wanted to know if it is safe from future SQL Injections? ie, does it use parameterized queries - in particular in the 'IN' operator?

Also, is there a way I can implement a 'sort by' option in the search form?

Many thanks, and great work by the way!

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   Re: SQL Injection protected?  
View this persons public profile  Gianluigi   10:47 24 Nov 2020  
   Re: SQL Injection protected?  
View this persons public profile  Gianluigi   10:49 24 Nov 2020  
   Pre-sales question - Search multiple fields with one search form?  
View this persons public profile  Steve Skinner   16:53 25 Feb 2015  
   Re: Pre-sales question - Search multiple fields with one search form?  
View this persons public profile  Gianluigi   9:58 26 Feb 2015  
   Selecting mulitple values on a 'd_r_o_p Down List Box'  
View this persons public profile  Amp Inthalangsy   12:25 10 Jul 2013  
   Re: Selecting mulitple values on a 'd_r_o_p Down List Box'  
View this persons public profile  Gianluigi   12:48 10 Jul 2013  
   Adv Search errors  
View this persons public profile  [email protected]   6:08 27 Apr 2013  
   Re: Adv Search errors  
View this persons public profile  Gianluigi   6:36 27 Apr 2013  
   Re: Adv Search errors  
View this persons public profile  [email protected]   7:53 27 Apr 2013  
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