I bought advanced form controls long ago and have been very happy with it. Recently, I asked some questions about other products, and then bought many of them, but I am having trouble and the products say the tutorials are "coming soon".
I was able to get "Advanced Search" working. But then when I tried to add "Dynamic Sort", it didn't work. I noticed that you warn that the cursor must be "Client", but I could not add that to the DreamWeaver Recordset (I think I could before 8.02 - I now use CS3). So I made the recordset using your Professional Recordset Wizard. But when I try to use that new recordset with "Advanced Search", no fields appear in the "Record Field:" dropdown box on the Advanced Database Search Main Setup page. (The fields do appear to drag on to the page from the bindings pallet.)
Also, the recordset created by Pro Recordset Wizard, does not show up in the Dreamweaver "paging" behavior.
1. Can I use all these programs (Advanced Search, Dynamic Sort Table, Professional Recordset Wizard) together.
2. Is Dynamic Sort Table compatible with the recordsets of of CS3. (What about Client Cursor)
3. Are your recordsets created by Pro Rec Wizard compatible with the behaviors of dreamweaver CS3 such as "paging" and "show region if" and "repeat region"?
Thanks for any help, Shelly
attached below is my "learning" page. It shows the recordsets.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> <%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="65001"%> <!--#include file="Connections/Cat.asp" --> <% Dim Recordset1 Dim Recordset1_cmd Dim Recordset1_numRows
Set Recordset1_cmd = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Command") Recordset1_cmd.ActiveConnection = MM_Cat_STRING Recordset1_cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM dbo.FestOnlineTest" Recordset1_cmd.Prepared = true
Set Recordset1 = Recordset1_cmd.Execute Recordset1_numRows = 0 %> <% '************************** ' dwzProfRecWiz ' http://www.DwZone.it ' Version: 1.3.5 '************************** Dim Recordset2 Dim Recordset2_Cn Dim Recordset2_Source Dim Recordset2_numRows Set Recordset2 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") Set Recordset2_Cn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Recordset2_Cn.open MM_Cat_STRING Recordset2.CursorLocation = 3 Recordset2.CursorType = 0 Recordset2.LockType = 1 Recordset2_Source = "SELECT dbo.FestOnlineTest.ExhibitorID, dbo.FestOnlineTest.LastName, dbo.FestOnlineTest.City FROM dbo.FestOnlineTest" Recordset2.Open Recordset2_Source, Recordset2_Cn Recordset2_numRows = 0 '************************** ' dwzProfRecWiz ' http://www.DwZone.it '************************** %> </head>
<body> <form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action=""> <p>city <input type="text" name="textfield" id="textfield" /> </p> <p>last name <input type="text" name="textfield2" id="textfield2" /> </p> <p> <input type="submit" name="button" id="button" value="Submit" /> </p> </form> <p> </p> <p> </p> <table width="500" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td> </td> <td> </td> </tr> <% '***************************** ' dwzProfRecWiz ' Repeat Region ' Before Selection Instance '***************************** dwz_i = 0 dwzLoopName = "Repeat1" dwzMaxRec = "-1" do while not Recordset2.eof dwz_i = dwz_i + 1 'End Repeat region %> <tr> <td><%=dwzGetRecValue(Recordset2,"LastName")%></td> <td>City <%=dwzGetRecValue(Recordset2,"City")%></td> </tr> <% '***************************** ' dwzProfRecWiz ' Repeat Region ' After Selection Instance '***************************** Recordset2.MoveNext dwzLoopName = "Repeat1" if dwzMaxRec <> "" and dwzMaxRec <> "-1" then if clng(dwz_i) >= clng(dwzMaxRec) then exit do end if end if loop 'End Repeat region %> </table> <p> </p> </body> </html> <% Recordset1.Close() Set Recordset1 = Nothing %> <% '************************** ' dwzProfRecWiz ' http://www.DwZone.it '************************** Recordset2.Close() Recordset2_Cn.Close() Set Recordset2 = Nothing Set Recordset2_Cn = Nothing '************************** ' dwzProfRecWiz ' http://www.DwZone.it '**************************
'************************** ' dwzProfRecWiz ' http://www.DwZone.it ' Version 1.3.5 ' Start function '************************** function dwz_replace(str) if str & "" = "" then str = "1" end if dwz_replace = replace(str,"'","''",1,-1,vbtextcompare) end function function dwzGetRecValue(byref dwzRec,fld) dwzGetRecValue = dwzRec.Fields.Item(fld).value end function '************************** ' dwzProfRecWiz ' http://www.DwZone.it ' End function '************************** %>