The include file "dwzPaging.asp" has several vulnerabilities found during scanning by our IA Dept. They will not let me deploy the code until I fix it. The problem is that the retStr and qString pass unvalidated data.
I have replaced some of the code with the following. I don't know if this will pass but if anyone has an idea on how to validate the query string that is passed, I would really appreciate it. It looks like the key is the query string.
private function GetQueryStringWithPage() validretStr = "/MY PATH GOES HERE.asp" retStr = request.ServerVariables("PATH_INFO") If retStr <> validretStr Then Response.Redirect("Invalid_Search.asp") Else retStr = request.ServerVariables("PATH_INFO") end if qString = "" Dim validkey validkey = "EventType" for each validkey in request.QueryString if not StartWith(validkey, "dwzpage" & instance) then if qString <> "" then qString = qString & "&" end if qString = qString & Server.URLEncode(validkey) & "=" & Server.URLEncode(Request.QueryString(validkey)) end if next retStr = retStr & "?" if qString <> "" then retStr = retStr & qString & "&" end if GetQueryStringWithPage = retStr
end function
Crystal |