Yes I have ASP.net installed and now it works fine, thank you. On localhost it did not but I shall not be concerned about that.
I need expert advice on a different matter and perhaps you will be prepared to help me.
I have the following code which displayes properties to let when searched for by "City/Town", "Suburb", "Type" and then between two "Rental" amounts. I would like to also include filtering by the "Status" field so that only approved entries will be displayed in a search. Any help will be much appreciated.
Here is the code:
<% Dim Recordset1__varRental1 Recordset1__varRental1 = "0" If (Request.Querystring("Rental1") <> "") Then Recordset1__varRental1 = Request.Querystring("Rental1") End If %> <% Dim Recordset1__varRental2 Recordset1__varRental2 = "0" If (Request.Querystring("Rental2") <> "") Then Recordset1__varRental2 = Request.Querystring("Rental2") End If %> <% Dim Recordset1__varSuburb Recordset1__varSuburb = "%" If (Request.Querystring("Suburb") <> "") Then Recordset1__varSuburb = Request.Querystring("Suburb") End If %> <% Dim Recordset1__varType Recordset1__varType = "%" If (Request.Querystring("Type") <> "") Then Recordset1__varType = Request.Querystring("Type") End If %> <% Dim Recordset1__varCityTown Recordset1__varCityTown = "%" If (Request.Querystring("CityTown") <> "") Then Recordset1__varCityTown = Request.Querystring("CityTown") End If %>
<% Dim Recordset1 Dim Recordset1_numRows
Set Recordset1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") Recordset1.ActiveConnection = MM_Tolet_STRING Recordset1.Source = "SELECT UserID, Photo, Status, When, Owner, CityTown, Suburb, Type, Bedrooms, Bathrooms, Available, Ownerphone, Rental, Description FROM Table1 WHERE Rental BETWEEN " + Replace(Recordset1__varRental1, "'", "''") + " AND " + Replace(Recordset1__varRental2, "'", "''") + " AND Suburb LIKE '" + Replace(Recordset1__varSuburb, "'", "''") + "' AND Type = '" + Replace(Recordset1__varType, "'", "''") + "' AND CityTown = '" + Replace(Recordset1__varCityTown, "'", "''") + "'" Recordset1.CursorType = 0 Recordset1.CursorLocation = 2 Recordset1.LockType = 1 Recordset1.Open()
Recordset1_numRows = 0 %>