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 Subject Author Date  
   SpryGallery >> Errore: Server.CreateObject Failed   
View this persons public profile  MamO   4:52 30 Sep 2010  
   Re: SpryGallery >> Errore: Server.CreateObject Failed   
View this persons public profile  Gianluigi   11:04 30 Sep 2010  
   Re: SpryGallery >> Errore: Server.CreateObject Failed   
View this persons public profile  Massimo   15:40 30 Sep 2010  
   Re: SpryGallery >> Errore: Server.CreateObject Failed   
View this persons public profile  Gianluigi   10:15 1 Oct 2010  
    Re: SpryGallery >> Errore: Server.CreateObject Failed   
View this persons public profile  MamO   12:18 1 Oct 2010  
ciao, l'ho impostato su Asp.NET perĂ² ora ottengo questo:


Error on DwZone SpryGallery extension (Code status: 403)
There is a problem on the Server settings
Your server is unable to find himselfe
To verify:
Open a browser directly on the server desktop
Type in the browser address bar the url: http://www.studioassociato.tv/dwzSpryGallery/getImageSize.aspx?TestAspNet=yes
and verify if you see your site
To work the extension need the server is able to find this Url
and in your server the XMLHTTP microsoft component must have right permissions
Verify and resolve the problem

e quando inserisco l'url per il test ottengo questo:

Server Application Unavailable
The web application you are attempting to access on this web server is currently unavailable. Please hit the "Refresh" button in your web browser to retry your request.

Administrator Note: An error message detailing the cause of this specific request failure can be found in the application event log of the web server. Please review this log entry to discover what caused this error to occur.

devo attivare i permessi sulla cartella "dwzSpryGallery" ?

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   Re: SpryGallery >> Errore: Server.CreateObject Failed   
View this persons public profile  MamO   12:28 1 Oct 2010  
   Re: SpryGallery >> Errore: Server.CreateObject Failed   
View this persons public profile  Gianluigi   6:26 3 Oct 2010  
   Transition effect in Firefox, Safari  
View this persons public profile  George   12:22 18 May 2010  
   Re: Transition effect in Firefox, Safari  
View this persons public profile  Gianluigi   12:59 18 May 2010  
   Error when using recordset  
View this persons public profile  [email protected]   3:29 29 May 2009  
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