quote: Originally posted by revellog
You can use a UNION SELECT query, with this type of query you can put all the field in a unique recordset.
My asp code verify the images path and display only the find images, if the page don't display nothing my asp code don't find any of the images. The problem can be the path or the thumb. Read in my site how setup the thumb.
Hmm - well I tried creating a UNION SELECT, but UNIONS appear to be meant to unite fields from different tables. Also, would this create a binding that is a single result that shows "abc.jpg, def.jpg, efg.jpg, etc"? Is that what you app needs?
I'm sorry - I'm not very good with SQL, but I really like your product and would love to use it in this scenario. Please advise. Here is my current SQL attempt:
SELECT featured_homes.main_image, featured_homes.image2, featured_homes.image3, featured_homes.image4 FROM featured_homes WHERE HomeID = MMColParam1 UNION SELECT featured_homes.image5, featured_homes.image6, featured_homes.image7, featured_homes.image8 FROM featured_homes WHERE HomeID = MMColParam
But clearly this is not correct either.
Bill |