Per your suggestion... found it and surrounded the param with [ ] and the result was testpage.asp?id=[x] - did not replace the [ ] - I matached variables, ids etc. The replacement was not working. Tried it on both the master table and the detail table. Neither had success.
Also found 3 other bugs. When you reopen the properties of Ajax-Asp DataGrid (after inserting to make changes) the Main Tab (Grid Resizable check box, Shrink to fit check box, and Show Search Query check box) options do not remained checked. They uncheck after reopening - so you have to recheck them.
Link url: The url of the link, if this is not void the column value will have a link to this url. The link can have dynamic parameters from the record, to do this you must create a link like:
yourPage.asp?par1=[id]&par2=[name] The extension will replace the part of the link enclosed in [ ] with the same record field name you put between the [ ]
But if the link don't have parameters the extension add the id parameter with the unique column key value of the recordset so in the page you setup in this field you can now which record is clicked on read the id parameter from the request.querystring parameters.
It's also possible create a mailto link that will open the predefined mailer software. To have a mailto link you must simple write mailto in the link field, the field value must be a valid mail account. |