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   Dynamic list menu not display first record  
View this persons public profile  Jean-Pierre   8:16 25 Dec 2017  
    Re: Dynamic list menu not display first record  
View this persons public profile  Jean-Pierre   1:33 29 Dec 2017  
I found a solution, but I think it is not the most suitable, just comment the line: // $ row_rsPhoto1 = mysqli_fetch_assoc ($ rsPhoto1);

This is the recordset:
<? Php
// **************************
// ProfRecWiz - MySqli
// http://www.dwzone-it.com
// Version: 1.0.15
// **************************
mysqli_select_db ($ SqliVote, $ database_SqliVote);
$ mysqli_rsPhoto1_query = "SELECT num_photo_1.id_num, num_photo_1.numero FROM num_photo_1 ORDER BY num_photo_1.numero Asc";
$ rsPhoto1 = mysqli_query ($ SqliVote, $ mysqli_rsPhoto1_query) or die (mysqli_error ($ SqliVote));
// $ row_rsPhoto1 = mysqli_fetch_assoc ($ rsPhoto1);
$ totalRows_rsPhoto1 = mysqli_num_rows ($ rsPhoto1);
// **************************
// ProfRecWiz - MySqli
// **************************

because in the function:

// Dynamic options
$ row = mysqli_fetch_assoc ($ _ recordset);
$ _text = $ row [$ _ text_field];
$ _value = $ row [$ _ value_field];
$ _selected = "";
if (strlen ($ _ selected_value)! = 0 && $ _selected_value == $ _value) {
$ _selected = "selected = \" selected \ "";
$ html. = "<value option = \" ". $ _ value." \ "". $ _ selected. ">". $ _ text. "</ option>";
} while ($ row = mysqli_fetch_assoc ($ _ recordset));

// write the options
echo $ html;

Did you have this problem?
Thank you for your reply.
Jean Pierre Valls

I work under MacOs and DW CC2018

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   Re: Dynamic list menu not display first record  
View this persons public profile  Jean-Pierre   10:02 27 Feb 2018  
   Re: Dynamic list menu not display first record  
View this persons public profile  Gianluigi   10:17 28 Feb 2018  
   Re: Dynamic list menu not display first record  
View this persons public profile  Gianluigi   6:54 4 Mar 2018  
   Date Picker Button or image  
View this persons public profile  Awalters30043   19:13 13 Sep 2017  
   Re: Date Picker Button or image  
View this persons public profile  Gianluigi   9:53 14 Sep 2017  
   Re: Date Picker Button or image  
View this persons public profile  Awalters30043   12:06 14 Sep 2017  
   Re: Date Picker Button or image  
View this persons public profile  Awalters30043   18:30 14 Sep 2017  
   Re: Date Picker Button or image  
View this persons public profile  Gianluigi   2:12 16 Sep 2017  
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