Hi Kourosh, There's no need for an extension to achieve this, just use a simple snippet and a bit of hand coding (a very little bit!)
In your page, in the code view, find the line similar to this (it's the beginning of the Repeat Region):<% While ((Repeat1__numRows <> 0) AND (NOT Recordset1.EOF)) %> Just below you'll find the <tr> tag of the repeated row: substitute the <tr> tag with this:<tr bgcolor="<% If Repeat1__numRows Mod 2 Then Response.Write("#FFFFFF") Else Response.Write("#CCCCCC") %>"> where #FFFFFF and #CCCCCC are the two repeating colors
Of course pay attention to the name of your Repeat Region and its corresponding variables! In my example it's Repeat1__numRows, but if you have more than one Repeat Region applied on the page you can have RepeatXXX__numRows
Hope this help (anyway, IMHO this is a "general DW question", not something related to problems you have with GREAT Gianluigi's extensions) |