I have a problem with the previous and next images on the calendar.
No matter what path I select or change they do not find the images.
dwzPrevImageSrc = "AdvFormControls/prev.gif" dwzNextImageSrc = "AdvFormControls/next.gif"
The reason it seems it that the above variables are ignored by the calendar. Instead the paths and images are hardcoded into the FormsControl.asp file:
calEvent = calEvent & "<td class='dwzCellPrev' ><a HREF=" & chr(34) & dwz_sScript & "?dwzMONTH" & dwzEventName & "=" & dwz_IntPrevMonth & "&dwzYEAR" & dwzEventName & "=" & dwz_IntPrevYear & dwzGetQueryString() & chr(34) & "><img SRC=" & chr(34) & "/AdvFormControls/prev.gif" & chr(34) & " BORDER=0 ALT=" & chr(34) & "Previous Month" & chr(34) & "></a></td>" & vbcrlf
If I edit the FormControl.asp file to use those variables then the image shows up:
calEvent = calEvent & "<td class='dwzCellPrev' ><a HREF=" & chr(34) & dwz_sScript & "?dwzMONTH" & dwzEventName & "=" & dwz_IntPrevMonth & "&dwzYEAR" & dwzEventName & "=" & dwz_IntPrevYear & dwzGetQueryString() & chr(34) & "><img SRC=" & chr(34) & dwzPrevImageSrc & chr(34) & " BORDER=0 ALT=" & chr(34) & "Previous Month" & chr(34) & "></a></td>" & vbcrlf
Am I using this wrong or is this an error? |