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 Subject Author Date  
   update a value stored in the cart cookie  
View this persons public profile  Adrian Smith   7:43 2 Oct 2018  
   Can you Fix this issue "DwZone Cart" - "Error on Send Order Mail" "Skipping Numeric key -1 Unknown line 0"  
View this persons public profile  JarrellHill   21:40 7 Jun 2018  
   Several Months into Using This Shopping Cart - Still To many Bugs  
View this persons public profile  JarrellHill   12:06 23 May 2018  
   Re: Several Months into Using This Shopping Cart - Still To many Bugs  
View this persons public profile  Gianluigi   12:19 23 May 2018  
   Regarding Customer feature: Private or Company "Enter Fiscal Code"  
View this persons public profile  JarrellHill   7:38 23 May 2018  
   Re: Regarding Customer feature: Private or Company "Enter Fiscal Code"  
View this persons public profile  Gianluigi   10:21 23 May 2018  
   Re: Regarding Customer feature: Private or Company "Enter Fiscal Code"  
View this persons public profile  JarrellHill   10:30 23 May 2018  
   Re: Regarding Customer feature: Private or Company "Enter Fiscal Code"  
View this persons public profile  Gianluigi   10:38 23 May 2018  
    Bug in Shopping Cart Checkout confirm order button: Html2text in dwzCartClass.php  
View this persons public profile  JarrellHill   7:37 23 May 2018  
I've fixed quite a few bugs in this program can you help with this one for the
/shopping/Checkout.php It happens when trying to hit the confirm order button at checkout.

File is in DwzCart\dwzCartClass.php on line 2260 for me which is for the Html2Text Class conversion. The line number could be different for
you as I removed the Verify Stock Code because I don't need it for the type of site i'm building.

Here's the error report from php:

) Fatal error: Class 'Html2Text' not found in C:\wamp\www\dwzCart\dwzCartClass.php on line 2260
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0052 494840 {main}( ) ..\Checkout.php:0
2 0.0859 2261296 dwzCart->InsertOrder( ) ..\Checkout.php:455
3 0.1646 2298912 dwzCart->SendOrderMail( ) ..\dwzCartClass.php:1760
4 0.1836 2320192 dwzCart->CartSendMail( ) ..\dwzCartClass.php:2174
5 0.1840 2326880 dwzCart->GetTextMessage( ) ..\dwzCartClass.php:2247

( ! ) Notice: Unknown: Skipping numeric key -1 in Unknown on line 0
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0052 494840 {main}( ) ..\Checkout.php:0
2 0.0859 2261296 dwzCart->InsertOrder( ) ..\Checkout.php:455
3 0.1646 2298912 dwzCart->SendOrderMail( ) ..\dwzCartClass.php:1760
4 0.1836 2320192 dwzCart->CartSendMail( ) ..\dwzCartClass.php:2174
5 0.1840 2326880 dwzCart->GetTextMessage( ) ..\dwzCartClass.php:2247

Appreciate your help.

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   Shopping Store Demo question  
View this persons public profile  JarrellHill   8:34 27 Apr 2018  
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