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Messages 1 to 10 of 50 (Total: 50) First |  Prev |  Next |  Last  
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   update a value stored in the cart cookie  
View this persons public profile  Adrian Smith   7:43 2 Oct 2018  
   Can you Fix this issue "DwZone Cart" - "Error on Send Order Mail" "Skipping Numeric key -1 Unknown line 0"  
View this persons public profile  JarrellHill   21:40 7 Jun 2018  
   Several Months into Using This Shopping Cart - Still To many Bugs  
View this persons public profile  JarrellHill   12:06 23 May 2018  
   Re: Several Months into Using This Shopping Cart - Still To many Bugs  
View this persons public profile  Gianluigi   12:19 23 May 2018  
   Regarding Customer feature: Private or Company "Enter Fiscal Code"  
View this persons public profile  JarrellHill   7:38 23 May 2018  
   Re: Regarding Customer feature: Private or Company "Enter Fiscal Code"  
View this persons public profile  Gianluigi   10:21 23 May 2018  
    Re: Regarding Customer feature: Private or Company "Enter Fiscal Code"  
View this persons public profile  JarrellHill   10:30 23 May 2018  
How do I remove this? The form wont process unless an entry is made.
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   Re: Regarding Customer feature: Private or Company "Enter Fiscal Code"  
View this persons public profile  Gianluigi   10:38 23 May 2018  
   Bug in Shopping Cart Checkout confirm order button: Html2text in dwzCartClass.php  
View this persons public profile  JarrellHill   7:37 23 May 2018  
   Shopping Store Demo question  
View this persons public profile  JarrellHill   8:34 27 Apr 2018  
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